Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I passed out today at school.

There was a health screening blood test thingmajig going on at our school this morning, and Emily, my BFF, was the one responsible for getting people signed up and such.  Despite my fear of needles, I decided that I would sign up to have blood taken because I'm such a great friend. (HAH.)  I told everyone I was super nervous, but they didn't really understand.  I'm a pretty brave girl.  I'd jump out of a plane.  I've bungee jumped.  And I'd rather do that 30 more times than have blood taken. 

This was all taking place in the library, and when I finally got the courage to go up to THE chair, everyone giggled at how nervous and silly I was acting.  The nurse (I guess that's what we could call her) couldn't get a vein in my left arm (because I was so stressed) so she tried my right.  Mrs. Hernandez, one of my teammates, was sitting next to me and started up a conversation in the hopes to get my mind off of what was really happening.  It hurt.  I cringed.  And then she was done.  I was so relieved.  ...Until she said that she hadn't gotten any blood and would have to try the other arm. :/

She poked the other arm.  It hurt. I cringed.  She was done. And then I got VERY lightheaded.  Emily was standing next to me at this point and everyone commented on how pale I looked.  I insisted that I needed to leave the room and that I needed a drink.  I got up and started to walk out of the library (no idea where I thought I was going).  Emily and Mrs.Hernandez were on either side of me (thank God), and before I made it to the nurses office, I had completely blacked out and my legs had gone out from underneath me.  They carried me to a cot in the nurses office where they found me an apple juice.

Emily and Mrs. Hernandez were my heroes today. :) Thank goodness they were there to catch me as I went down. 

As soon as I was down, I felt much better. I ate cheese-its and drank water all morning. My head hurt for most of the day, but I taught all the way through.  The fun really never ends.  Just another good story to tell.

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